

  • Nippon Clothes Moth Spray 300ml

    Nippon Clothes Moth Spray 300ml


    Protecting clothing and bedding against moths, fleas and other household pests has become more manageable with Nippon Clothes Moth Spray. A water-based ready-to-use spray, it helps control pests in and around the home. Can be applied to carpets, rugs,...
  • Zero In Carpet Beetle And Moth Killer Spray 300ml

    Zero In Carpet Beetle And Moth Killer Spray 300ml

    Zero In

    Zero In Carpet Beetle and Moth Killer Spray, treats carpets, upholstery and household surfaces where carpet beetles and moth larvae are seen. The highly effective, fragrance-free, easy to use spray, contains permethrin and tetramethrin. It kills carpet...